Az Intelligent Information System Supporting Observation, Searching and
Detection for Security of Citizens in Urban Environment (INDECT)
projektben 17 európai vállalat és intézmény, valamint a lengyel
rendőrség vesz részt, a koordinátora hivatalosan Lengyelország. Az már
korábban ismertté vált, hogy a program keretében a szakemberek internetellenőrzési technológiákat és a jelenlegieknél hatékonyabb térfigyelő rendszereket fejlesztenek ki.
Ezenkívül szóba került, hogy robotrepülőgépek járőröznének a városok felett. A projekttel kapcsolatban tavaly szeptember elején titoktartást vezettek be, de az így is kiderült, hogy Lengyelországban tesztelik az EU megfigyelő-rendszerét.
2010 májusában kiszivárgott
egy ütemterv arról, hogy az Európai Unió az ellenőrzési technológiák
mely kombinációjával (ujjlenyomat-tesztek, arc-, fülkagyló-,
tenyérterület-, írisz- és retinaelemző megoldások, valamint
nyelvhasználat-, a kézírás-, a mozgás- és a viselkedéselemző rendszerek)
akarja megfigyelni az állampolgárait. Ezenkívül készül az a különleges
kereső, amely bizonyos speciális címszavak után kutatja át az
internetet, majd a találatokat kombinálja és összehasonlítja a meglévő
adatbázisok tartalmával. S akkor még a biometrikus személyazonosításról
és titkosítási technológiákról nem is esett szó.
Egyenlőre csak angolul találtam leírást a programról és ez is már két éves cikk.
Vajon mért tartják vissza az infókat? Neked van frissebb híred róla?
PROJECT INDECT - total EU surveillance monster
European Union is developing a 21st century panopticon, a beast
surveillance system that critics describe as “Orwellian,” “sinister,”
and “positively chilling,” that would collate data from numerous
sources, including surveillance cameras and personal computers, in order
to detect “abnormal behavior” across the entire continent.
In a
broader sense, this is part of the move towards creating a pan-European
federal police force, where information and powers are shared as part of
a centralized system. It is also a giant step towards the creation of a
European CIA tasked not with keeping tabs on foreign enemies, but
spying on its own population.
The surveillance system, known as Project Indect,
promises to collect information by way of “continuous monitoring” of
“web sites, discussion forums, usenet groups, file servers, p2p networks
[and] individual computer systems”. It will also use CCTV feeds and
other surveillance methods to develop models of “suspicious behavior” by
analyzing the pitch of people’s voices (suggesting that private
conversations will be recorded) as well as “the way their bodies move”.
Its main objective will be the “automatic detection of threats and abnormal behavior or violence”.
This is Echelon
on steroids, a new version of the decades old NSA-run program that has
already been spying on citizens for years, updated and expanded for the
technological applications of the early 21st century. In 1999, the
Australian government admitted that they were part of an NSA-led global
intercept and surveillance grid in alliance with the US and Britain that
could listen to “every international telephone call, fax, e-mail, or
radio transmission,” on the planet. Project Indect is merely a new
incarnation of the same beast surveillance system.
This has
nothing to do with catching criminals – as recent figures in the UK have
proven, CCTV cameras have virtually no impact on crime whatsoever. This
is all about letting the slaves know who their bosses are, it’s a
psychological mind game set up to distinguish and reinforce the
master-servant relationship between the state and the individual.
Read the rest here.
* * *
EU social network spy system brief, INDECT Work Package 4, 2009
October 4, 2009
file, marked "confidential", describes development of an EU-funded
intelligence gathering system ("INDECT work package 4") designed to comb
webblogs, chat sites, newsreports, and social-networking sites to
inorder to build up automatic dossiers on individuals, organizations and
their relationships.
"The aim of work package 4 (WP4) is the
development of key technologies that facilitate the building of an
intelligence gathering system by combining and extending the
current-state-ofthe- art methods in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
One of the goals of WP4 is to propose NLP and machine learning methods
that learn relationships between people and organizations through
websites and social networks. Key requirements for the development of
such methods are: (1) the identification of entities, their
relationships and the events in which they participate, and (2) the
labelling of the entities, relationships and events in a corpus that
will be used as a means both for developing the methods."
file was (accidently?) released at
Project contact, DZIECH, Andrzej (Professor) Tel: +48-12-6172616 Fax: +48-12-6342372
For the public background to INDECT, see
* * *
There's another monstrous aspect to Project Indect which logically
involves GETTING RID OF THE CCTV OPERATORS with automated Minority
Report-like pre-crime systems that can 'sense' from body language and
biometric ID by whom and when a crime is 'most likely' to happen. These
systems can be set up to VERBALLY IDENTIFY the 'criminal' or 'dissident'
so that they'll not be ale to hide. Corporate entities like BRSLABS
are at the forefront of this Smart Surveillance(sic). We are being
reduced to statistical units of control - inhumane and insane. And I
quote from BRSLABS's site:
To solve this seemingly impossible
problem, BRS has assembled the brightest minds in machine intelligence
and security to create the first criminal and terrorist behavioral
recognition system. This revolutionary "adaptive learning" technology,
known as AISight™, provides the ultimate video-surveillance system with
technology unseen in today's marketplace.
I wonder when the
European majority is gonna have JUST HAD ENOUGH of all this corporate
mind-grab prison technology stomping all over their daily lives. When is
mankind en masse gonna claim back his planet?
Posted by
Mike Philbin
Kapcsolódó hírek:
Bizonytalan, kezdő vagy, csalódtál az MLM-ben, vagy elakadtál?
Mi a külföldről felvett kormányhitel szerepe és hogyan hat az egyes emberek életszinvonalára?
Mért kell megváltoztatni az oktatási módszereket az internet korában?